Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dale Klemme Wednesday Issue--Campaign Reform

Dale Klemme is an independent-minded candidate that resists the "rubber stamp" approach to politics. His website notes, "You want a rubber stamper? Look elsewhere."

He also has taken a lot of unfair hits from 527 groups that have no obligation to disclose who is paying for the ads. Click_here to listen to his comments on the issue at the October 14th candidate forum in Viroqua sponsored by the League of Women Voters and the Vernon Area Business and Professional Women. The question related to his view of outside influences on campaigns, and especially in judicial races.

In a Express_Milwaukee article about how these groups are operating in the state, they mention the 96th race specifically,

The group’s radio ads contain candidates’ home phone numbers. Democrat Dale Klemme, running for an Assembly seat in Crawford and Vernon counties, said that he’s fielded a few calls, half of which were from constituents who were disgusted with the group’s allegations and tactics.

Klemme said he found it ironic that the ad criticized him for accepting out-of-state money when Wisconsin Family Action doesn’t have to disclose its own donors.

Dale is clearly poised to be a leader on many fronts of reforming government in Wisconsin. From health_care to tax_fairness, he will do the right thing.