Small Family Farms House Meeting
*Learn about Obama's policies to help small family farms
*Be able to share your questions, ideas, concerns, issues directly with the Obama campaign headquarters
*Contribute to / change/ help create governmental policies to protect and serve the future of farming and food
*Your voice matters and will be heard
July 13, Sunday, 2:00-3:30
All farmers and small farm producers welcome: Conventional, Non-spray, Organic, Biodynamic. All others interested in supporting small family farming welcome , too.
*Introduction: An Obama campaign representative from Chicago,a former farmer in Nigeria, shares Obama's vision and direct policies that will support small family farms.
*Open discussion: Ask questions, share concerns, issues, ideas. Forms will be provided by the Obama campaign for communication directly with Obama headquarters in Chicago, where you will also receive a direct personal response from them via your choice of phone, e-mail, or regular mail.
*Where: S 7304 Gardner Rd. (From Viroqua, 9 miles. Go southeast on 14/61 to 27/82, turn right going south, drive through Liberty Pole, drive 3 more miles, take a right on Gardner Rd. First farm on the right. Obama sign at driveway. Contact: Adrienne Caldwell, 675-3737, or peoplearegood[at]gmail[dot]com.)